Top 5 fruits to help kickstart a healthy 2023


Blueberries start of our list today, and while every fruit on our list has its own benefits and advantages blueberries don’t fail to impress us here are some of the great benefits they provide your mind and body!

  • Brain functionality– Thats right the powerful antioxidants found in these delicious treats (specifically anthocyanin’s) protect cognitive and memory function. In a study published in “annals of neurology” it was discovered that subjects who ate more blue berries had a slower rate of cognitive decline than those that did not regularly consume them. There has been a wide array of studies observing individuals consuming blueberries in raw and liquid form that have led to suggest that there are massive benefits to be had from their consumption.
  • Lower Blood Pressure- The antioxidants in the berries have the ability to lower blood pressure and improve your overall heart health.
  • Enhancement of Digestion- Lastly berries are a great source of fiber which helps to regulate your bowel movements as well as improves your digestion.


Also known as the “Chinese Gooseberry” the kiwi originated from China and parts of Southeast Asia . After being introduced to New Zealand and subsequently to the rest of the world in the 20th century. The “kiwi” name ended up sticking after being named after the country’s iconic flightless bird who also has a furry brown plumage. Let’s take a look at some of the healthy benefits found in the kiwi.

  • Vitamin C- containing over 100% of the recommended daily dosage, kiwis are rich in vitamin c which are vital in increasing production of white cells that provide assistance against infections. The vitamin c found in kiwis plays an important supporting role enhancing how much iron your body can absorb meaning your body can produce more red blood cells and collagen. Perks of collagen include youthful looking skin and the enhancement of wound healing speeding up the healing process!
  • Fiber– Being rich in fiber Kiwis help regulate bowl movements which in turn can help to accelerate weight loss. fiber rich foods have the ability to make you feel full reducing caloric intake furthering weight loss benefits.
  • Blood Pressure– there is a significant amount of potassium found in kiwis, the potassium helps counter the effects of sodium allowing for the walls in your blood vessels to relax. although more studies are needed to confirm these findings it is safe to say that combined with a balanced diet kiwis have an ability to protect and optimize your health


Apple pie, apple juice, apple cider! Apples have a big fan base and for good reason, not only do they taste great and have a ton of types and varieties to choose from such as the “Granny Smith” and “Fuji” apple. but they’re also loaded with vitamins and antioxidants. Let’s list off some of the benefits associated with apples.

  • Healthy Heart– A study published in “The Journal Of Functioning foods” found that the consumption of apples reduced inflammation levels, improved cholesterol levels and even enhanced the way your blood vessel function positively affecting your hearts health.
  • Cancer Fighting Properties– apples are full of flavonoids which are cancer fighting compounds, some of these compounds include “Quercetin”which has anti-oxidant anti-inflammatory properties. “Catechin” is another flavonoid found in apples that may inhibit certain forms of cancers from developing. All of this intertwined with vitamin c and fiber found in apples makes this fruit a strong ally for you to start or continue your health journey.
  • Respiratory Benefits –A combination of the Quercetin and Catechin flavonoids provide potential relief for people that suffer from asthma. The other mixed amount of vitamins found in apples ranging from vitamin A to vitamin C and K make apples and immune system fueling station ensuring that you get a wide range of vitamins and minerals that keep you feeling healthy and breathing with less congestion.


originally getting their name because of their resemblance to pine cones, the Pineapple makes its way to our list for boasting a multitude vitamins and dietary benefits. This was a fruit that only the wealthy could enjoy when it was first introduced to Europe in the 1600’s since the tropical climate needed for them to be harvested was not of abundance in Europe. Access to this delicious fruit eventually improved with advanced irrigation methods as well as advanced transportation methods. Here are some reasons pineapples should find their way into some of your snacks!

  • Vitamin c- As mentioned above with kiwis, vitamin c plays an important role into strengthening your immune system and how much iron your body can absorb, 100g of pineapple account for about half the recommended daily dose of vitamin c.
  • Manganese- a crucial component in the growth and maintenance of bone development , manganese facilitates the metabolism of bone essential minerals such as calcium and phosphorous. Manganese is also important in the formation of collagen keeping your skin healthy and accelerating healing of wounds you may have.
  • Bromelain- Although it is primarily found in the stem. Bromelain is still abundant throughout the whole pineapple and has been linked to reducing muscle soreness and inflammation, sinus relief due to the reduction of inflammation and even a more intensive for of wound healing making it essential for people with injuries and wounds.


Originating from South and Central America, the papaya or “the fruit of the angels” as described by Christopher Columbus. The papaya stores essential vitamins and nutrients that make a great addition to our list and include….

  • Digestion- containing moderates amount of fiber allow papayas to provide you with regulated bowl movements, they’ve also been found to promote constipation relief and other disorders such as indigestion and bloating.
  • inflammation – The high presence of beta-´carotenes and vitamin A found in papayas make for a great anti-inflammatory fruit option. Additionally, papayas are rich in vitamin C keeping you healthy and less vulnerable to stuffy colds and other ailments by boosting your immune system
  • healthy balance- The vitamin C along with vitamins A and K make the papaya a very balanced and effective fruit. Fibers, potassium and antioxidants make the papaya a delicious fruit that not only satisfies the taste buds but also provides a wealth of vitamins and nutrients for overall health and well-being.

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